how to get rid of spiders:

Spider Pest Control

Keep the creepy crawlies away from your home, no matter the season with our spider control and extermination services.

Pest Control for Spiders

It is no secret that during different seasons of the year, there are different species of spiders that are roaming around. At NBK Pest Control, we make it a point to modify our treatment methods for each season. This ensures that no matter what time of year it is, spiders will be nesting or breeding in your home. While most spiders are not dangerous to people, some species can bite with venom that might necessitate a trip to the hospital. Whether you are dealing with black widows or you are just dealing with your average wolf spider, we will get rid of them.
Pest Control
spider pest control services

Spider Extermination

Unfortunately, there is not a product on the market that can penetrate spider eggs. This means that it is unlikely that one treatment will completely get rid of spiders. Spider removal is an ongoing process involving the de-webbing the eaves and visible harborages, treating baseboards on the interior and treating the foundation on the exterior. Despite being a more resilient insect than most, we can give you a guarantee that after a few treatments, your home will be spider free.

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Other Services

We offer a variety of Minneapolis pest control services to get rid of ants, bed bugs, cockroaches, rodents, spiders, and more.

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Locations We Serve

We operate in the Greater Minneapolis-St. Paul area and have been providing pest control services for over a decade.

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